Friday, June 17, 2011

Whatever happened to Cheesy Science Fiction?

While I love Science Fiction as noted by blind devotion to Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, and Stargate Franchise. I really miss the cheesy Sci-Fi that I grew up with. Maybe because I remember waking up at 5 am on channel six to watch the Glen A. Larson cheesefest of Buck Rogers in 25th Century and Battlestar Galactica. While Battlestar would take itself seriously. I really enjoyed the freewheeling humor and unabashed cheesiness of Buck Rogers. Sure, he would get depressed about being a man out of time but that would last like two seconds and then he would be judo chopping his way into some woman's heart and teaching her how to do a thumbs up and while Wilma Deering would get quietly jealous. Except that time she became a space vampire and was incredibly hot and sexy. Seriously, watch the episode. Anyway I digress, please bring back the cheese!

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