Friday, June 17, 2011

Whatever happened to Cheesy Science Fiction?

While I love Science Fiction as noted by blind devotion to Star Wars, Star Trek, BSG, and Stargate Franchise. I really miss the cheesy Sci-Fi that I grew up with. Maybe because I remember waking up at 5 am on channel six to watch the Glen A. Larson cheesefest of Buck Rogers in 25th Century and Battlestar Galactica. While Battlestar would take itself seriously. I really enjoyed the freewheeling humor and unabashed cheesiness of Buck Rogers. Sure, he would get depressed about being a man out of time but that would last like two seconds and then he would be judo chopping his way into some woman's heart and teaching her how to do a thumbs up and while Wilma Deering would get quietly jealous. Except that time she became a space vampire and was incredibly hot and sexy. Seriously, watch the episode. Anyway I digress, please bring back the cheese!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bob Filner for Mayor!

So the Political Establishment was rocked this week by Bob Filner filing his intent to run and opening a political account to run for San Diego Mayor. Immediately, the local Republicans began attacking Bob and the Chair of the Republican Party Tony (Strider) Kovaric made it his personal mission to defeat Bob for mayor. Which leads me to believe that they are so scared of Bob and he has a serious shot to win. I mean after all San Diego is a Military City and Bob was the Chair of the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee and was critical in getting a new Veterans Facility in Chula Vista and has done a lot for Gulf War Vets of the first Gulf War and gotten recognition of Filipinos who fought for the United States in World War II. That and the fact that he's never lost an election and has no ties to the mismanagement of the City for the last 20 years makes him almost an outsider yet his experience as a City Council member also makes him somewhat familiar with City Government. The other thing is that the Republicans are divided this go around as Carl DeMaio, the Tea Party candidate. Bonnie Dumanis, the Establishment candidate and Nathan Fletcher, the other Establishment candidate. Niether of them can rebuild the coalition that elected Jerry Sanders and with the demographics of the City leaning towards Democrats perhaps in 2013 we will be talking about Mayor Filner.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I had a Blog? Really?

Yeah, I kinda forgot I have a blog. I mean no one reads it and I now have accepted that fact. But I'll blog anyway now that I have remembered my password and this can be fun. I mean sure it's self indulgent but it beats therapy. (not that there's anything wrong with that.) Anyways I'm back baby and ready to rumble!!!