Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seriously, How is this not politically motivated?

Steve Schmit: "Boss, the Washington Post is about to release a poll saying 52% of Likely Voters support Obama because they trust him on the economy."

John McCain: "But don't they know that the fundamentals of our economy are strong?"

SS: "Uh, Senator... I think you got the wrong talking points... (shuffles papers) Here's the one you've been using since last Tuesday.

JMcC: "Right. Um, yes I see. What do we do now?

SS: "You need to be seen as decisive, wanting to change the economy. This past week has killed us so we need to get on top of it. How's the debate prep going Senator?"

JMcC: "The naps have been keeping me refreshed! Did you know that Czechoslovakia has democratically elected government now?"

SS: (Sighs) "Yes Senator, from 1989 until it broke up in 1993."

JMcC: "It broke up? Huh. What's that buzzing sound? Is that your Blackerberry that I helped invent?"

SS: "My Blackberry. Yes it is. (answering blackberry) Yeah.... Are you F**king kidding me? Run those number again. Our internals can't be that bad!"

JMcC: "What's going on? Someone tried to ask Sarah a question again?"

SS: "No, I just got the preliminaries on a poll we put in the field yesterday... I know it was bad, but not that bad... How can we staunch the bleeding? F**k! (Blackberry buzzes) What now?! (Checks SMS) Has been nodding off during prep... Unfocused, rambling answers...Need more time. More Time! The F**king debate's on Friday!! What the F**k!"

JMcC: "Steve, my friend. I've got to go to the little maverick's room to drain the lizard. Can we take a time out while I do that?"

SS: "Sure Senator. (looks down at blackberry. Then inspiration and head jerks up.) Time out!! That's it! You're brilliant Senator! We'll suspend the campaign to focus on the bailout! We'll look like we're taking command of the economy and we can hold off on the debate and get more time for prep! Yes!!!"

JMcC: "Wha..."

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hey Brother, Can you Spare $700 Billion?

What a crazy week. From Lehman Brothers to Merryl Lynch to AIG. It has been non stop bad news. That is until the bailout proposed by the Bush Administration. The largest bailout in American history and an expanded Treasury Department. I mean what a way to leave office, two wars and an economic crisis that reverberate for years. And lets continue on this path with John Bush or George McCain or whatever.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Really? I mean how desperate are you when the bottom of the ticket is generating more excitement within your base than the top. It's almost subliminal to the social conservatives.

"Vote for McCain/Palin because you know that guys ain't gonna last and she'll become President! So grit your teeth and think President Palin in your heads when you go in that booth. She's one of you and she'll make sure that all schools teach Creationis-Intelligent Design. That Global Warming is a myth cooked up by Algore and his lesbian supporters and that Polar bears are #1 threat to America. Why? Because they are godless killing machines."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am George Lucas's Bitch...

I hate you George Lucas. You have turned me into a meek follower of your mythos/cult. Even though I hated Episode I and suffered through the horrible acting of Hayden Christensen in Episodes II & III. I still went to the midnight showings and bought the DVD's. I even TiVo'd the American Film Institute's gala honoring You. So yes, even though it will probably be horrible as well ; I am going tonight to watch Clone Wars. Even thought it will I think it's the same storyline as the animated series that was released on Cartoon Network before Episode III. I will, yet again, give some more money so you can keep making payments on your pricey digs at The Presidio. Why oh why do I always fall for this! Damn you George!!!

Maybe it's because I hope that the same magic and confluence that made Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back such seminal movies will some how be recreated. But maybe they were a product of their time and can never be recreated again. I really feel bad for those who watched the movies after 1997. I mean the revised editions are horrible and he should of left it alone but whatever. Let's go back to the debates of 1997! Yeah!

So here I go, chasing the dream....


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Last X-er

I was born in 1977. So that means I'm 31. I remember Reagan, Bush I, Clinton and Bush II. I remember the 1984 Olympics and grew up watching MTV when actually played videos and I remember when everyone watched either "Beavis and Butthead", the original "90210", the "X-Files" and "The Real World" the rise of Nirvana and thought Blind Melon wasn't so bad.
However I feel that sometimes I'm a bridge between two worlds. The World of those who remember the events that led to the Post-Cold War era and those who don't remember what the Cold War was. I mean I remember watching "Red Dawn", "Invasion U.S.A" and "The Day After." Yet, I can see that cynicism and irony must not be the way to always view the world but to balance that view with optimism as well. Who knows what brought this on. I guess it was this article that I stumbled upon in Time Magazine.

I feel like I'm stuck between the generations.